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Budget update: Let's make a deal [with update] |
Steven Norton |
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Money, Money, Money: K-12 budget bills move to conference |
Steven Norton |
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State School Aid budget action alert |
Steven Norton |
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State Budget action alert |
Steven Norton |
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Budget Brief: Snyder's education budget proposal |
Steven Norton |
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Opening life's doors with math |
Steven Norton |
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Framing: More Powerful Than A Locomotive |
Steven Norton |
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Clear thinking about: Running public schools "like a business" |
Steven Norton |
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Brief: Budget hangups |
Steven Norton |
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A sliver of good news from the revenue conference |
Steven Norton |
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Clear thinking: the school funding situation |
Steven Norton |
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Facing a clouded future: options |
Steven Norton |
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Status report: Where do we stand today? (Budget, Part I) |
Steven Norton |
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Status report: Where do we stand today? (Race to the Top) |
Steven Norton |
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A good race requires preparation |
Steven Norton |
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Facing a clouded future |
Steven Norton |
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It's September 10th: do you know where your school's funding is? |
Steven Norton |
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House declines to pass K-12 budget with huge cuts |
Steven Norton |
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Proj. Washtenaw: impact of Senate cuts on WISD districts |
Steven Norton |
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Budget strugges continue; Senate cuts $413 million from K-12 schools next year |
Steven Norton |
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Schools are the foundation of our future |
Steven Norton |
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Action Alert: Senate Appropriations cuts schools $174 million and guts early childhood programs |
Steven Norton |
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Welcome to Project Washtenaw! |
Steven Norton |
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First look at the school aid budget, now with more stimulus! |
Steven Norton |
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Sinking fund bill passes House |
Steven Norton |